

Initiated by economists based at the University of Bonn and the OpenSourceEconomics initiative, the CoViD-19 Impact Lab institutes a collective effort to provide data-driven insights into the socio-economic impacts of the 2020 CoViD-19 pandemic by pooling economic and technological expertise.

Our main goals are:

  • Data Gathering: Collecting, aggregating, and cleaning data to evaluate the socio-economic impact of the pandemic on a running basis. Moreover, provide an overview of publicly available Datasets.

  • Evaluation: Performing data analysis in order to track the impacts of the virus and provide policy-relevant insights using open-sourced, standardized analytics pipelines.

  • Outreach: Make knowledge and insights available to everyone interested in learning more about socio-economic implications of the pandemic by sharing our results and providing interactive tools that let people explore the available data. Our outreach activities are directed towards the general public, towards policy-makers, and of course, the scientific community.